Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Will the real Ron Burgundy please stand up?

I don't think I need to explain who Ron Burgundy is or give a summary of the movie Anchorman. If you do, visit

I'm sure every city has its rumors on who the character Ron Burgundy was based. In reality, I'm sure it was a conglomerate of a lot of 1970's newscasters. In St. Louis, I've heard it rumored that Patrick Emory was the basis.

So while looking through the May sweeps week issue of 1979 (May 13th), I came across Mr. Emory's picture along with most of St. Louis' newsanchors of the day:

He doesn't strike me as particularly Ron Burgundy-esque.
I came across a picture of Dick Ford and Barbara Danahy from the June 2nd, 1979 issue of TV Guide, and if anyone in St. Louis was the model, I have to believe these two were:
All Dick's missing is the mustache. I really can envision Dick calling Barbara a "smelly pirate hooker" in response to Barbara's accusation that "Jazz flute is for little fairy boys."
For your enjoyment, a few more pictures from that May sweeps issue.

Another example of a phrase taking on a new meaning over the years:

I'm pretty sure Steve and Julius never "got it on," however I do know this guy and he and they GOT IT ON! No they didn't. But you can imagine what it would be like if they did.

Larry is better known these days for being tasered:

I get the feeling Leah has had it UP TO HERE with these chauvinists. Tim Van Gelder has just called her on the phone pretending to be her physician and told her she was knocked up and needs to quit.

Betsey Bruce trying to psychically will a story as Kevin Slaten looks to the future. Dennis Riggs baffled by the whole thing:

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